Often we don’t see enough about the practical applications of that which people call healing, light work, yoga, kabbalah, miracles and the like beyond the physical improvements from the outside. This is always the case with such things as the proof is in the pudding, or as some say, one must taste and see or else it is not their truth. I can wax poetic on why being at peace, feeling love, enjoying a sensation of being able to make healthy decisions knowingly, and other forms of pleasure and bliss are worthwhile but often one wants a sense of can I get a trial sample and see what happens for myself. For those who have a little practice practice in these practices I offer up this sample that can really help you yourself or your clients deeply. Your clients can also do this with you, for themselves as well, to get a taste of how much a single act can change things, however it often requires a bit of practice before we are able to develop the level by which these become the most effective.

For this practice, what we are going to need are quartz crystal shards or points, or Herkimer Diamond. I have practiced on different types of quartz crystals and found each to have their own flavor due to their intrinsic nature, or depth point, but each will work fine. I would start with one for each of your immediate family (these crystals are usually only about $2 at your local store so the investment here is small, sometimes you can find them in a lot and they come in handy so don’t be afraid to pick a few extra up). I would also have a journal and if you are advanced, a bottle of liquid condenser. If you are not familiar with liquid condenser you can find a recipe in Franz Bardon’s Initiation Into Hermetics. It is not required but can add a layer of depth.

Once we have our items we are going to sit in a meditative state and we are going to pick one up and start our meditation.

Selecting the first crystal, this one will be your father, we use a simple tatwa meditation to charge the crystal with energy. The first step is to clear our ourselves and silence as much as we can with 5 minutes of focusing on our breath (advanced practitioners can skip this step). Next we start pore breathing vital energy, this is done by imagining our whole body is like a sponge. When we breathe in the body absorbs energy from the universe and when we breathe out we release it. Once this is done, we move to do the same with Akasha (timelessness and spacelessness – aka timespacelessness or that which was there before timespace) and then light. At this point we should be ready to charge the crystal, if we have a fluid condenser here is where we would apply a drop and coat the crystal. We set our intention to align our father(Abba) with the oneness of God and infinite love. We breath in our first tattwa, fire(Shin), into our whole body and then when we breathe out we visualize and move the energy to the crystal. We do this 5 times, although depending on the relationship and time we can go all the way up to 462 times if you want but really 5-40 is more than enough for most situations. Next we move to water(Mem) and do the same number of breaths. We follow this with Air (Aleph), earth (mem sofeet), then Akasha (focus on the throat or Tzere), and finally Light (Ketheric light or just light). At the end we speak to our crystal our intention to align our Father with the highest level of love in the universe, we give it a name such as My Fathers Abhisheka, and then we blow a breath of life into it while visualizing the crystal coming to life. We close with saying an amount of time this crystal will live. I tend to do this for 24-48 hours depending on the situation as often what is needed is a shift in a short term. However this can be done over a longer time such as weeks or months if not years. I would not go much longer than a year as resetting this work after a year is valuable. Then place the stone in a place in your house that is safe, warm and loved such as a front room, bed room or on an alter. As this crystal is now a living breathing thing to you, whenever you have something that needs help with your father, you can speak to it and help you remember how to love from the highest level. Then do this with your mother (amma) and siblings. If you want to go a step further you can do this for your grandparents, kids, spouse or any other family member you have. If you really want to see the results the best way is to do one or two at a time and see how your internal world (microcosm) shifts and then watch how that manifests in your outer world. At the end you should record in your journal how well you did focusing on this practice, what if any visions, knowing, sounds, smells or other things were experienced besides what you called forth and how your inner world was before and after. Then journal each day to see what resolves from this. Continue to journal and eventually what will resolve will resolve. This can be done with a focus on one issue you wish to bring in alignment with the divine or the all but do not, under any circumstances, let your ego lead in any way. Allow it all to be done through the divine and there will always be a result of some kind.

This practice has many applications but this series is designed to heal that which brought us into existence and that which enfolded us with life throughout that process. No matter if our family was healthy or full of lessons still needing to be learned, this will cause separation to dissolve between oneself and The All Mighty, God, as Oneness. This process may need to be repeated more than once but often a shift is best left to complete before changing anything. This can also be used in other ways such as work, religion, the world, those who need more love and even pets but do not think that this process will not flow through you, it will. It is from within where we find the One True God and the power by which all is manifest, even if we experience smaller parts as Gods and Goddesses helping us along the way or even more so angels as us on earth being that light of God in all things <3

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