This first set includes the basics to help anyone on their path prepare their body mind and soul.
What you will find by including these practices in your daily life is a freedom of motion, life, flow and the ability to develop powerful ways to influence how you manifest your life through who you are.
We begin with a simple invocation. You can call in God, Guru’s, Saint, Sages, Gods and Goddesses as well as being such as Angels and Devi’s in this practice. We do this to remember either All of God, or a part of God we wish to more deeply come in tune with. This also opens up the space for us to be focused on only one thing, our connection with God, and nothing else as well as gives us space to close it afterwards to focus on other things even if we are fully yoked or practicing raja yoga at later stages of our development.
Chant – “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” Three times – It means, I bow to the divine Guru within
Alternatively as a beginner you can also pray to Yeshua (Jesus as Jesus shared his name), Abraham, Buddha, Lau Tzu or simply say God I call to you to be with me in all things.
Following this practice this simple asana set.
Asana – For the opening, swirl your hands over your heart and then bring your hands to your head, arms and lets. From there you do each asana while focusing on your breath, the breath of God, while moving your body through each position one at a time.

Following your asana set we do a meditation and pranayama. You can select from any but if you are just starting out here is where to start.
Pranayam – Spinal Breathing – 10 minutes
Sit in easy pose with your hands in gyan mudra (with your first finger and thumb touching). Breath easily in and out. As you breath in, bring your awareness from the base of your spine, up through your spine to the top of your head. Rest a moment and then as your breath out return your awareness down your spine to the base of your spine or the bottom of where you are sitting. If you happen to be going through an awakening and already experiencing a large amount of crown activation, you may want to not breath up to the crown but breath up to the back of your head and then to your brow point. Both are ok but if you are unsure ask your guru and they will be able to help you make the right decision for yourself.
Meditation – 10 minutes
Once the pranayama is complete, we then let go of focusing on the breath and move towards our meditation. As a beginner, you have two recommended options.
The first type of meditation to consider as part of your practice is awareness meditation. Within this meditation we focus on our breath, following it in and out. As thoughts, feelings or sensations come up, we do not judge them, we simply witness them and allow them to go along their way.
The Second meditation is japa meditation. In Japa meditation we select a mantra and repeat it silently within as our meditation. This focuses us on one single idea and allows the mantra to lift us up to the light. While there are many different options, to begin with we want something simple. I suggest picking one of the following.
I Am
God and I and I and God are one
Ephatah (pronounced Ef-ah-Tah – which is Yeshua’s mantra meaning, be opened)
Sat Nam (my identity is Truth)
Aum or Om
When you select a mantra, it is best to use it for six months although you can try each out for a few days before focusing on a single one.
At the end of your meditation your workout is complete. This series of Asana, Pranayama and meditation is the ideal workout for those who are learning, awakening or just want to develop their gifts in this world. This Kriya can be done every day.